Documentation of the Jewish cemetery

In years 2017-2018 we raised enough money to pay for the work of the Foundation for Documentation of Jewish Cemeteries at the Brzesko Jewish cemetery. This work started in May 2018 and was completed by autumn 2019. Basic information on all documented matzevas can be found at

01 Tombstone of Pinkas Cizer

Holocaust Memorial Day, Yom HaShoah, was celebrated on April 21 in 2020. I went to the Jewish cemetery in Brzesko on that day to light candles by the mass graves. Every spring we start cleaning the cemetery - collect garbage,...

02 Matzeva of Henoch Klapholz

Henoch Klapholz was one of the most distinguished Brzesko Jews, city Mayor in years 1898-1906. It's due to his efforts, that the city was rebuilt after the great fire of 1904. You can read more about Henoch Klapholz and his...

03 Matzeva of Malka Fischelberg

Malka Fischelberg, daughter of Wolf and Freida, widow of Israel Fischelberg, died in Brzesko at 1.00 pm on december 10, 1908 aged 96 (data from her death record). Her matzeva survived at the Brzesko Jewish cemetery, although over the years...

04 The oldest matzeva at the Jewish cemetery

The oldest surviving matzeva at the Brzesko Jewish cemetery is located in its northern part behind the ohel of Lipschitz rabbinic dynasty. Translation of the inscription on this matzeva was provided by Noa Shashar, descendant of Brzesko Schiff family. Here...

05 Matzeva of Breindel, daughter of Zvi Hirsch, 1854

There are many photos of matzevot from the new Jewish cemetery in Brzesko at the website Among them one can find a picture of a beautiful matzeva with a very clear inscription made in 2005. Picture from 2005,

06 Matzevot at the Brzesko Jewish cemetery: additional data based on death records

As you may know, there are 850 matzevot with readable inscriptions at the Brzesko Jewish cemetery. All of them have been documented by the Foundation for Documentation of Jewish cemeteries and can be found  in the database However, many...

07 Jewish cemeteries in Brzesko

As you know, there were 2 Jewish cemeteries in Brzesko: an old one (currently a parking lot opposite the city hall) and a new one (on Czarnowiejska Street). The old cemetery was most probably founded in the 17th century, but...

08 Matzeva of Jakob Tzvi Reifen

Jakob Tzvi (Hirsch) Reifen, son of Majer and Keile nee Rand, was born in Brzesko in 1862. Jakob Tzvi got married to Mindel Jochwet Kleinhandler, they had 8 children. He died on June 24, 1934 aged 71 years and 6...

09 Documentation of the cemetery, June 2019

Work of the Foundation for Documentation of Jewish Cemeteries has been completed in Brzesko! Within the next several weeks information on all documented matzevot will become available at the website of the Foundation. My gratitude goes to Witold Wrzosiński and...

010 Matzeva found in Brzesko

In the beginning of May 2019 Głuch family found a piece of matzeva in Brzesko, on the bank of Uszwica river - it was completely covered with mud, probably lying there for many decades. Luckily they've understood what it was...

011 Documentation of the cemetery, May 2019

Foundation for Documentation of Jewish Cemeteries in Brzesko: yesterday Witold Wrzosiński and Remigiusz Sosnowski spent the entire day in Brzesko and documented the next couple of hundred matzevot at the Jewish cemetery. These data will soon be added to the...

012 Documentation of the cemetery, May 2018

As majority of matzevot (gravestones) at the Jewish cemetery in Brzesko are made of cheap sandstone, the condition of many of them is quite deplorable. In many cases,  inscriptions are no longer there and letters on other tombstones are barely...
