30.07.2019 | Redaktor

Matzeva of Jakob Tzvi Reifen

Jakob Tzvi (Hirsch) Reifen, son of Majer and Keile nee Rand, was born in Brzesko in 1862. Jakob Tzvi got married to Mindel Jochwet Kleinhandler, they had 8 children. He died on June 24, 1934 aged 71 years and 6 months. Mrs Iwona Zawidzka helped to locate the grave of Jakob Reifen at the Brzesko Jewish cemetery, And his son, also Jakob reifen who had been named after his grandfather,  provided translation of the entire inscription on the matzeva:

“Crown reputability

Jacob was plain man dwelling in tents (it’s a quote from Genesis 25,27; Jacob was the first name of the deceased)

As a deer getting up early to worship God (the middle name Tzvi is translated as “deer”)

All his life he followed Torah path

All his life he kept God’s commandments

A man that feared God and set in tzadikim’s shadow

Jacob Tzvi son of Meir

died at good old age on Tamuz 11, (5)694 May his soul be bound in the bond of life”

Matzeva of Jakob Cwi Reifen
Jakob Reifen by the grave of his grandfather Jakob Cwi Reifen, July 2019