30.05.2016 | Redaktor

Cleaning the Brzesko Jewish cemetery 2016, May 2016

Back in 2015 almost entire cemetery was covered with high bushes. Within 2 years we managed to clean greater part of its territory. We were first coming to Brzesko with a gorup of friends from Kraków, but gradually Brzesko residents and students from local schools also joined us. From the very beginning we’ve been also supported by the Brzesko city council which collected everything we brought to the cemetery gate.

May 2015. That’s what the cemetery looked like when we first came there. Majority of tombstones – matzevot – could hardly bee seen being covered with young self-seeding trees.

June 2015. A group of volunteers from Kraków and Brzesko at the cemetery

October 2015. Brzesko high school students came to clean the Jewish cemetery. Mr Jerzy Wyczesany speaks to them about the history of the cemetery.

October 2015. Students work hard at the cemetery.

The results of our work: pile of bushes and young trees cut by joint efforts

May 2016. Substantial part of the cemetery was cleaned from garbage and ovegrown bushes.  However, a lot of work is still in front of us.