Dov Landau (born on August 6, 1928) is at this point the only living
Holocaust survivor from Brzesko. But here I would like to share few words about
his family, which lived in Brzesko for about 200 years. Jewish families often
had many children, and Dov also had 3 younger brothers, many cousins, aunts and
uncles. Only him and one younger sister of his father, Rywka, managed to
survive the war. Here is an incomplete list of members of Dov’s family who were
– three younger brothers of Dov: Naftali (born
1930), Josef (born 1932) i Nisan (born1935)
– his parents, Benjamin and Scheindel
– siblings of his father and their families:
Scheindla (born 1905), Josef (born 1906), Freida (born 1908), Cyrla (born
1910), Dwojra (born 1913), Mirla (born 1916)
– brothers of his mother and their families:
Isaak (born1908) and Josef (born 1909)
– his grandparents, Lobl Landau (born 1880) and
Ettel nee Wietschner (born 1879); Mojżesz and Blima Regenbogen;
– siblings of his grandfather Lobl and their
families: Leiser (born 1872), Chane (born 1875), Chaim (born 1877)
Dov says, that about 40 members of his family
were murdered. in the Holocaust. Right after the war Dov moved to Palestine. He
got married to Shoshana Jakobson in 1953, they had 3 children. Now, in 2019,
Dov nas 3 children, 15 grandchildren and 49 great-grandchildren. And Dov’s
apartment in Tel Aviv is full of pictures – of those murdered in the Holocaust
and those living today. Dov Landau, exceptionally wise and heartistic person,
proud father, grandfather and great-grandfather: “I managed to re-build
the family!”
© Anna
Brzyska, 2019
Here you can find part of Dov Landau’s testimony
registered in 1993 (in English):
And here is a very moving video of Dov’s visit to Poland together with some members of his family, also in English: